Reduce unplanned asset downtimes and accelerate decision making through actionable and fast insights

Integrate deep learning models to gain real-time insights on process safety, mechanical integrity, visual and thermal inspection, maintenance, corrosion, risk analysis, and more. Seamlessly integrate existing visual, thermal and time-series data to Detect’s proprietary AI data lake to achieve component-wise analysis quickly

Monitoring hundreds of assets globally

0 +

Categories automated

0 +

Asset types managed

0 TB+

Data analyzed annually

0 +

Critical observations

De-risk your critical assets

Predictive Piping Leak Detection

Predict high risk in process pipes and maintain its integrity in real-time. Manage your pipeline infrastructure better with GUMPS

Digital Asset Inspection

Accelerate data Processing, maintenance activities and data management through state of art AI models in  Noctua.AI 

Distribution Automation Software

Predict failures in power distribution through monitoring of power, voltage, and current remotely, identify faults, extend asset lifetime, and predict outages using Voltor

Digital Pipeline Patrol

Digitize your pipeline monitoring infrastructure and bring it completely on remote. Get AI based actionable insights on long-range assets

T-Pulse is compliant with internationally accepted standards

Maximize asset efficiency today

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