Monitor Compliance without Compromising Individual Privacy

Automatically redact identifiable features from your surveillance footage and ensure compliance with major international privacy laws. 

Overview →


Alert and Responsible 24x7x365

Automatic Data Extraction

Security officers no longer need to go through long hours of monotonous footage to detect, log, or investigate anomalies, as AI takes care of it with high precision 24x7 surveillance.

Remote Monitoring

Get notified and warned about potentially suspicious activities unfolding at your site over a secure connection, no matter where you are.

No Infringements, No Compromises and No False Alarms

Say goodbye to false alarms, observational failures, worker privacy infringements, and security lapse overlooks with technology trained to track and learn patterns.

How Does It Help?

Leverage high-precision deep learning software that automatically removes personally identifiable information (PII) from both live streams as well as logged videos and images.

Smart Intrusion Detection and event tagging with AI that works round the clock to ensure holistic security of your people and assets. Spot characters, objects of interest, scenes, and visual information with a single glance.

Ensure 100% compliance with internationally recognized employee privacy frameworks through a fully automated platform. Enhance security reporting across your workplace without the fear of privacy lawsuits.

Maximize Security and Reduce Privacy Risk at your Industrial Workplace with T-Pulse

T-Pulse is compliant with internationally accepted standards

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